Landscape Painting in 19 minutes? Watch this video.
Can we paint a landscape painting in just 19 minutes…? We are about to find out! This is the perfect painting for a beginner. Learn to paint a landscape with step-by-step instruction. With practice, you can be happy with your trees, ocean waves, clouds and entire oil painting!
Me encantas tus pinturas son hermosas
Would it be possible to do this with acrylics?
Assalamualaikum I love your painting your guidelines thank you so much.I wanna know canvas size .
Kevin, oh my God! You think a beginner like me can do this painting? This is beautiful. Mine will never turn out like yours, but will turn out just a big blob. You have to have a talent to make it look so good.
I wish I could see how you wipe your brushes in between strokes. I like to see the whole picture, it helps me learn better.😄😃
I really enjoyed that time when you had drawn the tree.
I do enjoy painting. You do great work. I hope i can remember your instructions tomorrow when i can paint. Thank You.
Good teaching
Very good. I can do it.
Kevin do you feel like you can blend oils much easier then acrylics?
Beginner question: Do you guys prime your canvas with gesso? Or are there cases where you don’t need to?
Hola, me encanta verte , pero no me gusto el que pintaras tan rapido ,encuentro que le quitas el valor que se merece un cuadro al oleo , te lo digo porque yo pinto y veo los detalles nunca pintaria un cuadro a la rapida, aunque te quedo muy lindo
Thank you so much for this. You really did give me hope, I was trying to oil paint without any help and I honestly was just getting frustrated. I didn’t follow along with this video in particular but I watched it all and it gave me hope again and I actually made a painting last night, a self portrait! You’re the best
It looks so simple when you do this 😍😂👌
Wer ist hier nach Annika Video?
Incredible. It takes a professional to produce such an amazing paint in minutes. 🎨🤩👀 I wish you lots of succes in everything you do.
Thanqu for posting this biginners painting that’s beautiful and easy because you have shown it by step by step thanqu
Exelente….como hacer para recibir clases contigo kevin
It’s awsome!
this was great and has given me HOPE!! Thankyou so much Kevin.
Is it just me or only my paint dries too quickly
Where did you get your big flat scrubby brush?
Thanks a Lot. You are Great Teacher
thank you so much for doing a quicky painting. its so important for me…your 20 min painting will likely take me 4 hours to complete…I love love your work. but typically skip over videos because Im so slow. I really appreciate it!
can i do this in acrylic
Uvek se odusevljavam tvojom talentom, sve je predivno do vrhunca. ❤️❤️❤️
Paints a beautiful mountain and then in a flash , he just decides to wipe half of it out to put in a tree , i’m thinking , are you mad Kevin … 11 mins later he finishes of a brilliant painting that anyone would be proud of doing , i had to subscribe to his channel after this video
Useing this to practice how I might one day lead a class
Wow great. Your funny too, I will never be able to do this that fast, haha..as beginner. Thanks.
That was fun!
Where can i buy ur 2"brush ? Thankz x
This is for BEGINNERS!?
all my painting turn out like a 2 year old did it
Thanks So much Kevin! You are great !!!! 💕💕💕
Merci Kevin. Beste Grüße Gabriela 🐞
Check out our beginner DVD lessons here http://paintwithkevin.com/oil-painting-for-beginners-dvds.html
Kevin , you truly are an artist. I watch you painting with awe! Dab dab dab, and a tree appears. I wish I can create something so beautiful.” Even in my dreams I can’t believe I can do it.
Well, look it takes 19min for Kevin, because this is based on a crazy amount of time on the understanding of colours, composition of objects, and correct way of using brushes. So for very newbie people, don’t be disappointed if we cannot make it…. it’s normal
Love you Kevin for thr spontaneity and super fast talking that goes along your subtle work.
I think you are a genius.
Hi Kevin!! I love this tutorial, you have no idea how much this helps beginners like me, to see you go through the steps, for people who have very limited funds and are learning to paint as much as possible from what they find free online. Thank you !! Is there any way you might be able to make THIS or a SIMILAR EXAMPLE for ACRYLICS?? I think it would be GREAT!! : )
Kevin, I learned some new hacks today in watching your video. I always enjoy your work and technique.
Very nice 👍
I need to shout *"WOW !!!"* This is BEEEAUTIFUL!!! Looks like you took many days to at least two weeks or so to paint this !!! Thank You for sharing your techniques and knowledge with us, Kevin!!! WOW!!!
I wish I could hate but I’m so Jealous 😈 much love ❤️ 💕❤️ you’re awesome 😎